Sunday, January 13, 2013

Owen Mug Shots

 A few of the more entertaining mug shots Owen has taken recently.

20 below what?

Sharing his Holiday Cheer with his friends

Orange Monster

The Mouse Got Away

We discovered a mouse had decided to join us for the winter in our home.  As always we immediately set numerous glue boards in the area our little friend was spotted.  A few minutes after reminding Cole "not to touch the glue boards", he arrived with a glue board stuck to his foot.  We saved Cole but the sock didn't make it.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow Day

With 22 inches of snow and white-out conditions the boys and Melissa were force to take a snow day (Nick still made it to work).  Despite the frigid arctic conditions, the group made their way outside and braved the elements.  Even though the it tipped over by the end of the day - it was still a very good snowman.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Holiday Programs

When it comes to Holiday Programs Owen and Cole each have a very different approach.  

On one hand you have Owen who knows every song and diligently performs his part with a focus normally reserved for  his Angry Birds game.  He often finds himself front and center with the less squirmy kids.  When he falls behind or gets ahead of the group he adjusts and gets back in line.  A teachers dream for those 15 minutes.

And then there is Cole.  Luckily due to weather, Cole only had one program to entertain us with. He made up for it at the Sunday School program however.  After perfectly completing an hour long practices right before the program, Cole ran out of gas heading into the main event.  After marching to the front of church with the entire Sunday School, Cole immediately decided to show off his cool dance moves in front of everyone.  It was quite impressive and he picked up some style moves when he tried to incorporate the mike stand in his routine.  Luckily one of the older kids caught it before it fell.  We were hoping no one knew he was our child, but when he came running up to us half through the program there wasn't much denying he belonged to us.  

Front and Center, with bells on (literally)
I wonder what is over here?

Minute two of Sunday School Program.  500 people watching.  Cole breaks out  "The Windmill".

Is this in his future?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Owen's 5 Year - LEGO Themed Birthday Party

Owen turned 5 a few days ago and we celebrated LEGO style.  Owen has been waiting forever to get his hands on LEGOs.  Until recently Cole was still putting things in his mouth - which meant no little plastic pieces in the house. But now that Cole is better about it - it's all LEGOs all the time!  Owen even has Nick's tub of thousands of LEGO's.  We're still not sure who is more excited about the change, Owen or Daddy.
What LEGO Themed Birthday party would be complete without a  18 inch LEGO man with rotating head, arms and head
What party would be complete without a "Guess the number of pieces in the jar game?"  (200 pieces)
The canopy only flew into the corn field once ...
Not only is it Owen's 5th Birthday Party, it's the 5th time we have used this sign
LEGO Birthday cake - assuming you left the LEGO in the oven for 20 minutes.
Sparklers?  I thought we were in the middle of a drought?  
The line - up.  One of you did it.
Owen takes his place as the proud "oldest cousin".  Cole is just excited to not be the little guy anymore.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bay Beach - The Land of 25 Cent Rides

Owen met up with his old day care friend Brody and his little brother.  We have had intentions to visit Bay Beach for years but never made time.  It was well worth the wait as the boys had a wonderful time.  Not to mention the rides are really cheap ...

Group photo before the fun really begins

Thomas wasn't there, but Brody and Owen were convinced they were on the Island of Sodor

It took a few laps but Cole found the grove in the track and stuck with it.
Ride 'em cowboy!
Cole and Daddy (lane 1) are convinced the Giant Slide should become an Olympic event in 2016

No Matter how fast Owen flew, he couldn't catch Cole

Nobodies looking - let's see what this thing can really do!