Friday, February 29, 2008

7 month update

As Owen turns 7 months here is a running list of what made life with Owen special in February:

Owen is....
  • a stronger sitter
  • can spin around on his tummy... he has mastered the 360.

  • can grab onto EVERYTHING (prompting mommy to cut her hair)
  • eating solids (yea!) and producing aromatically-challenged diapers (boo!)

  • barely fitting into his car seat (but one of his parents is too cheap to buy a new one)
  • "treads water" with arms when excited
  • loves to "chase" mommy up and down the stairs

  • on a set schedule... sleeps 7pm-7am (with a quick feeding at 5am weekdays), 10-12:30pm, 3-4pm.
  • smiling and laughing at EVERYTHING. Not to toot our own horn or anything, but mommy and daddy should be singers and entertainers of the year.
  • loving cellphones, both real and toy.
  • surviving the town's record snowfall (daddy is a little upset that Owen has not volunteered to shovel the driveway yet)

Owen also received his first "Boo-boo report" from school (according to Owen the exersaucer just jumped out and hit him). With the way he is uncontrollably swinging his rattles around his head these days, it looks like there will be many more to come!

Stud muffin Owen picked up 12 valentines this past February. Pretty good for still living with his parents and wearing diapers. Just like his onesie says "lock up your daughters" He can wow the ladies both young and old!

The first post

Well it is now official... Owen is on the world wide web! Now everyone can read about his adventures in perfecting baby cuteness.