Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring Break 2008 !!!

After weeks of toiling at the day care located at the elementary school, Owen is excited to begin his first spring break. Based on what he has picked up from the occasional MTV show playing in the background, Owen is looking forward to a college-style week of hanging out in the sun, having fun, and enjoying more than the occasional drink.

Owen at the Pulaski "white sand" beach.

He pulled out all the stops to get the girls - his bear-like Columbia jacket, the 100% UV Protective Infant sunglasses and brand new Britax convertible car seat. Yes Tom, the cheap parent caved in and bought a new car seat.

Owen participating in a scuffle at a local establishment.

In a move reminiscent of Mike Tyson, Owen came off the top rope with his recently emerged pair of teeth to bite the nose of his opponent. Said the victim, "the teeth may not look very big, but they sure are sharp and effective. I'm not sure what provoked him - it's not like I named the boy "Sue" or anything ... "

Owen participating in a drinking contest

Owen's parents may not approve of the amount of drinking Owen is partaking in, but at least they can rest easy knowing he is drinking responsibly. Owen only drinks from a non-chemical leaching sippy cup made by Born Free.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hanging with the Cousins

Ok Ok.... so we were just going to limit this to monthly updates.... but it is just too much fun to post stuff about lil' Owie. Thanks to those that have checked out the blog! We are glad we are not the only ones that visit - though I think we visit the most! We are becoming addicted!

Here's an adorable pic from today at Mya's 4th Birthday Party. Can you believe that last year at this time 2 of the 3 cousins were swimming around in their mommy's belly??

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Look out Tooth Fairy!

Owen has a tooth!

We noticed a small round tooth poking out of his lower gums today. This explains the constant drooling and slobbering ... and of course the constant SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK of his gums against his plastic toys.