Wednesday, April 23, 2008

There goes Owen's college savings....

After diving the Jeep on empty for the last 2 weeks (it is not a long trek to school), Nick went to fill up at the local gas station. His heart sank and wallet burned as the Jeep guzzled over $70 worth of gas. There went Owen's college savings. We need to start filling out college scholarship forms now.

8 month update - a little belated

So Owen is 8.5 months now.... but we never did the 8 month update. So lets catch-up!

Here is what made the last month (Feb.) special for Owen:

Here are his two little teethers. They are sharp little buggers! When the his first tooth popped through, it was hard to snap a picture of it. We wasted a lot of digital film trying to get a glimpse of the elusive pearly whites. Now we see them all the time!

Here is the aftermath of the whisker-burn from the previous encounter with Daddy's chin. Owen is even cute when he cries!

Owen's new favorite game is sitting on Daddy's shoulders and running through the house. He loves to grab/eat hair. Anyone's hair...

Owen also plays the "give and take" game. Mommy holds out her hand and asks for the toy. Owen gives it to her and then proceeds to freak out because it disappeared behind Mommy's back. Once it reappears, Owen is the happiest little boy ever!

He also likes high-fives and pattycake. He doesn't initiate, but love when his hands get hit.

Owen has a new wrestling mate - the blue bear. They wrestle every night in his crib. Occasionally Owen wins. As for size at 8 months: 19 lbs and almost 30 inches. (obviously a little bigger now, but that is my approximation for what he was at 8 months)
Mommy couldn't have been prouder of his stacking ability. Not only was it six blocks high, but the small block was on the bottom. Way to go Daddy! Moments later Owen knocked it over like Godzilla.

Growling is Owen's new sound. He growls at toys, his food, mommy. But it sure beats the loud screeching noise from a few months back.

Crawling and five course meals that lead to daily baths will be highlighted later when we get a chance to snap some photos.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Who took the remote?

Big news in the Hemling household - we have a crawler! As of last Friday night.

What did he crawl to you may ask.... no, not his plethora of peek-a-boo blocks... no, not his basketball hoop... no, not his crawling mirror... and no, not his busy choo-choo that is meant to entice crawling. It was the remote. The one that mommy refused to give him and placed "out of Owen's reach." Well Owen showed mommy... he did the inch-worm and moved a couple of feet forward. It was just enough to snag the remote.

Now little Owen can't wait to get on the floor to practice crawling. He has since uped his skill level to a more traditional crawling gait in just a matter of days. But just like on Friday, Owen only crawls to things that are not baby toys.... the remote, cable wire, air vent, window, etc.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What happens on Spring Break ... is posted on the blog

Owen stormed into Spring Break 2008 with a to-do list a mile long. And the week did not disappoint...

As the lights came on at closing time, Owen was found nursing the last of many bottles. We're not really sure what the little guy was up to - but his grin tells us he had a good time.

During the First Annual Easter Sunday Cage Match, Owen came off the top rope with his signiture hair pull. Most people find this cute, despite the pain and missing folicles. Cousin Billy did not see the humor and tapped out.

Owen loves meeting newborn babies. They are the only people smaller than him. Here he is meeting is second cousin Cooper. Owen tried to pull Cooper's hair too.

When Uncle Brandon heard that he was the only uncle not in the "Who Loves Baby" book, he insisted on a picture. Soon-to-be aunt Jamine is already racking up brownie points for the "Aunt of the year" award.

Overall, it was a wonderful spring break seeing friends and family! Happy Easter from the Hemling's!