Friday, June 27, 2008

Owen Hard at Work

Owen loves to be outside - probably because the downstairs of the house is getting to be so baby proofed that it is no longer fun to find which cabinet did not get locked up yet. Owen and Mommy go on at least one walk a day to the nearby parks. Here he is working hard - you can tell because his tongue is sticking out.
Owen is now re-interested in walking. He walks with his push lion all around the house, sticking out his tongue, so proud of himself. Meanwhile Mommy and Daddy are bracing for Owen to become a "toddler"....

We also have a new nickname for Owen - little piranha. We think he is trying to kiss us, but bites us instead. A fun little game for Owen.... but not for the rest of us! We have the little teeth marks and bruises to prove it! You would think that Mommy and Daddy would learn after the first 5 bites that Owen is not going in for a kiss, but a bite... We have turned into human teething rings. If fact Mommy just put Owen down for his nap and he was laughing and gnawing on/biting her arm as she put him in the crib.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pictures From Father's Day

Owen visited his cousins during the Father's Day weekend. Owen started training for the X-games 2028. You can never start too young.
Here are some pictures...
Owen rock climbing. These are a little more complicated than the stairs he zips up (or sneaks up) at home. Notice the concentration. One step at a time - not looking up or down - a natural.

We found out that Owen loves the swing. Could Paragliding be in his future? Or maybe just more trips to the park.

Owen also rode the orange fish.

Owen thought he could show off his bull - or fish - riding skill. Lets just say the fish had other plans......

Luckily we were right there to take pictures.
Mya, Billy and Owen
This is the closest one we got to everyone looking at the camera.

Owen showing off his boxing-out skills.

A visit to the zoo...

Owen took his first trip to the local zoo during their free "Family Fun Day." With rain clouds looming and cars parked for miles, nothing would stop Daddy in enjoying this free event. Owen enjoyed himself. He didn't notice too many of the animals, just the black bear (see below). He was way more interested in the people.

Mommy: Owen there is a bear behind you

Owen: Huh... What?

Owen seemed to enjoy the concret creatures much more than the real ones.

Or maybe he just liked people pointing and saying, "what a cute little boy"

Mommy came too.

School's Out....

June 10th marked Owen and Mommy's last day of school. Below is a picture of them singing Alice Cooper's "School's Out for Summer" before they left for their last day.

To celebrate the end of school Owen and Mommy road tripped it to Owen's Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa's places in Cedarburg and West Bend, respectively.

Monday, June 2, 2008

10 month update - this time ontime!

Owen just turned 10 months a day ago and this is what made the last month special....

Owen's parents are convinced that he has an ear infection. It took us three doctor's visits in a week and a half for Mommy and Daddy to realize that Owen just likes to play with his ears.

Owen loves to...

pull-up. He even is trying to stand unassisted (8 seconds is the record ... future professional bull rider???)

turn away when Mommy tries to kiss him (it only happened one night but Daddy won't let it go)

fall asleep at 7:15 every night while Daddy hums "You lost that loving feeling"

walk using his Fisher Price Go Baby Go!™Stride-to-Ride™ Lion.

refuse his second bottle at least 3 times a week

stand by the window, pound on the glass and watch Daddy mow the lawn (the lawn is looking great!!!)

clap while his diaper is being changed

flip over on the changing table making it impossible to change diapers and put on clothes

put his head down in defeat and then look up and laugh

eat yogurt ... a lot

eat cut up bananas and pears