Thursday, July 17, 2008

2nd Top Tooth

Owen's first top tooth now has a friend! Yea! It just poked through, when I get a good pick of it I will post. I noticed it today on our way to Book Babies at the library. Owen has quite the social calendar.... Tuesday is a playdate with up to 11 kids. Thursday is Book Babies where he listens to books and sings kid songs at the library. Friday is another playdate on a smaller scale. Thurs. and Fri. Owen also hits up some rummage sales looking for clothes and such. Today's finds are jeans, Discover Farm softbook, and a play bowling set. Mommy is addicted to rummage sales!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Waving Mystery Solved

Owen used to wave "bye-bye" all the time while in daycare. Since the summer started he has stopped. We were always curious as to why, but we think we figured it out. Today, on the way to Owen's playdate, Owen had to put on his jacket because it was raining. As soon as he put it on, he started to wave. When we got to the playdate he waved again as the jacket was removed. Mommy thinks Owen equates waving with the jacket. At daycare he always used a jacket because it was cooler (Owen waved). Since school got out, we hardly used a jacket since it is warmer (Owen stopped waving). Interesting....

Thursday, July 10, 2008

New Skill

Owen also gained a new skill - dropping plastic coins into his play piggy bank. It was a tough skill and angle to master. Daddy has been practicing saving "money" with Owen for weeks. Well Daddy's perserverance paid off and Owen is now a saver. Well kinda - Owen drops the money into the bank, gets excited, and then right away dumps the money out of the bank. Its a start.

New Tooth

After about of month of trying to push through, the little bugger popped his pearly white head out this morning. Owen has another tooth - his upper right. We hope the top tooth gets another friend soon so Owen looks more rabbit-like and not so Hillbilly-like. His gummy smile is no more!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

11 Month Update

At 11 months Owen:

  • Can walk from one end of the house to the other using his Stride-to-Ride™ Lion -if he runs into something he waits patiently for someone to steer him away from the obstacle
  • Can stand freely while playing with toys
  • Still needs the security of someones finger to take a few steps
  • Can drink out of a sippy cup by himself
  • Can drink out of a cup with minimal spillage (unless Daddy is operating the cup)
  • Gets diaper rash as new teeth come in
  • Loves going on walks
  • Loves going to the park
  • Picks up chicks at play dates (who are half his age)
  • Is not crazy about kiddie pools
  • Loves raspberries
  • Is more interested in books
  • Loves to roll around
  • Has to have a toy when being changed or life is terrible for Mommy and Daddy

Happy Birthday America! (With Pictures of Owen)

After reading the baby instruction manuals a few weeks ago we realized that Owen was not getting enough food. Since then we upped his rations and all of a sudden Owen has a little belly hanging out. Thank God for elastic wast bands (Daddy is jealous)

Anytime Owen is sleeping is great. But he looked so cute through his Summer Baby's Quiet Sounds™ Color Handheld Video Monitor that we had to go in and take a picture.

Owen really got into celebrating the 4th of July by watching the Wisconsin's largest parade in Columbus. He didn't get to eat any of the candy since Daddy had to "make sure each piece was safe"
Did we mention that Owen likes to pull hair?

Grandpa showed off his skills by holding both Owen and Cooper.

Dinner time has become so messy that Owen has to pitch in and help clean up too.

Owen was so tired he couldn't even keep his head up during supper. His parents should really encourage better maners.

Owen's absolute favorite activity is going to the park and crawling through the tunnels. We have to carry him away kicking and screaming every time we visit.