Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bedtime Routine

Owen has a fairly structured bedtime routine. Just before 7:00 we ask Owen if he would like to go upstairs and brush his teeth. The answer is always a rigorous "NO". But as soon as the gate at the bottom of the stairs is opened he runs as fast as he can in a somewhat straight line to the stairway. He is so excited to crawl up the stairs that sometimes we have to go up two or three times before he's ready to run to the bathroom to begin brushing his teeth.

Owen has quickly mastered the art of teeth brushing. Although we question how much brushing really goes on ... just where does all that toothpaste go?
After Owen is done "brushing" his teeth we take over and finish the job.
Although it's not a normal part of bedtime, Mommy often uses this time to give Owen a trim.

Mommy nixed the idea of a mohawk. Daddy and Owen are still appealing the decision.

Uncle Brandon's Wedding

A few weeks ago we traveled all the way to Winona, MN for Uncle Brandon and (now) Aunt Jamine's wedding. Normally a family gathering which demands a 4 hour drive to get to would result in more than 2 pictures ... normally.

Owen insisted that the third pew from the back is the "Best Seat In The House".

Owen spent some quality time with his second-cousin Cooper. Owen couldn't understand why Cooper didn't get up to play with him. Doesn't everyone walk??

Owen was so excited to show Mommy all that the Plainfield Parks System had to offer during a break from the ride home.