Tuesday, December 2, 2008

16 Month Update

Every day Owen comes home with new skills and words. It's amazing to see how much he changes every day. Owen attacks each day with so much enthusiasm and excitement that it's hard to keep up with him. There are some big wheels turning in his little head and it's fun to watch him figure things out ... even the things we'd rather he didn't figure out.
At 16 months Owen:

  • Has molars coming in. One has popped out on the left side. Many more to come.
  • Climbs onto chairs, and then onto the table. As cute as this is, we'd rather he didn't know how to climb on top of the table.
  • Has a litany of words, including; Up, Down, Help, Momma, Dadda, Daddy (we think this is the same as Dadda - but could be completely different), bbbrrrooomm (truck sound), All done, More, No and Banana.
  • Most anmial sounds are a low grunt. Recently he has started to softly "mmmmooo" and we taught him to howl like a wolf.
  • Insists on the "no jackets in the house" rule. We were not aware of this rule until Owen pointed it out.
  • Eats most of his food. Sometimes all of it.
  • Loves cheese, ketchup, anything with spaghetti sauce, bananas, apples, grapes, pears, noodles, pizza - especially Tombstone with little sausages, applesauce, chili, yogurt, bread and teddy grams.
  • Loves to color
  • Plays with his trucks and tractors
  • Runs everywhere
  • Looks at books by himself
  • Tells us if he is not interested in a particular book by shoving it away.
  • Refuses to cuddle for more than 3 seconds
  • Loves to wrestle with daddy
  • Does not understand the concept of sleeping in on the weekend
  • Still does two naps at home and one nap at daycare, but the second nap at home is becoming more difficult.
  • Tolerates the snow.
  • Has fun helping Daddy shovel the driveway.
  • Dusts in the kitchen with a towel. He has even dusted his refrigerator magnets.
  • Loves his Little Tots slide
  • Can stack all 12 stacking cups - and then knock them over
  • Takes a bath twice a week.
  • Brushes his own teeth
  • Brings Mommy and Daddy their shoes.
  • Leaves little hand prints on every window
  • Has a sleep schedule that requires we go to Saturday afternoon church
  • Now thinks the naughty hallway is fun
  • Waves goodbye as one parent drives away to work
  • Loves watching trucks drive by the house.
  • Doesn't seem to care about the Christmas tree or the lights outside
  • Can climb up and down stairs

Owen has really been hitting the weight room hard this winter.

A few more years and he may look like this ...

Owen loves to put his hat on. He has yet to put it on correctly.

Owen is beginning to pitch in around the house. Although it's quite unnerving watching him swing the broom around, it is nice to know he's trying to help.

Over the course of one week Owen picked up two "BooBoo Reports" at school. One of the teachers thought we may need to get him a helmet if this continues.

Owen loves to run up and down the hallway. He has important business to attend to in every room. He never walks, just runs.

No use crying over spilt milk ... or poured milk in this case.

" I don't have time for spoons ... I'm a growing boy."


Owen was excited to celebrate his second Thanksgiving. He had so much fun that he decided to stay at Grandma's house for a few extra days ... without the parents. It was nice to get away from Mommy and Daddy for a while. Owen really needed the vacation.

While Owen was vacationing at Grandma-Camp, Mommy and Daddy were able to complete some big projects around the house. It's amazing how much of a productivity-killer Owen has become.

Owen had lots of fun watching the grown-ups play. He spent most of the time making sure everyone was playing nice and not pulling hair.

Owen was excited to find out he will have a third aunt in a few months. "Soon-to-be Aunt" Gena was proudly sporting an engagement ring from Uncle Bryan. The competition for "Favorite Aunt" will really heat up this summer!

Four cousins each had mini-cousins during the same year.

Todd/Owen ... Bill/Billy ... Sara/Sydney... Nick/Owen