Thursday, August 20, 2009

Trip to the Dodge County Fair

Owen made his first visit to the Dodge County Fair and handled it like a pro. Owen hit all the big stops and got to hang out with his Grandma. Owen enjoyed taking in all the sites and was especially excited when he walked into the pig show ring. He could feel the lingering energy from the 1996 show when daddy's pig was named Grand Champion.

The only thing better than a chocolate malt is having someone hold you and the malt while you eat.

Grandma was totally robbed on her chocolate chip cookie entry...of course I'll need to sample a few to make sure.

This is great! Instead of washing my hands I can have this goat lick them clean!

Was someone looking for a hero?

Grandma was excited to find the two bravest guys at the fair (other than daddy)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


We had a chance to catch the Carson & Barnes Circus when they were in town last week. This was Owen's first Circus and he seemed to really enjoy it. We were very impressed at Owen's attention span as the tent was very warm and the circus lasted almost 2 hours.

Owen wasnt' a big fan of the hard metal bleachers. He much preferred Mommy's lap.

After watching the show Owen was concerned that his little people toy Elephant is not to scale

Last Day

The past few weeks have been exciting and busy. Here are a few highlights of our last days in Pulaski. Unfortunately we didn't take a picture of the two U-Haul trucks we packed full.

Last day of work!

Owen and Daddy take on last stroll around the yard. Owen couldn't believe what a great job Daddy did with the lawn mowing and tree trimming.
Owen and Mommy had one last chance to watch Young and the Restless ...

... and one last chance to not insert our pictures in Owen's "mom + dad = me" picture frame