Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Digs

Owen scored some new Elmo pj's last weekend during a trip to Grandma's house. Owen loves them so much that on Monday morning Daddy had to practically tare them off the little guy. His entire world came crashing down when we told him he can't wear them to school. The next two nights were Elmo pj nights again ... maybe tomorrow we can wear some clean ones again.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Birthday Party

Owen and cousins help Grandma and Grandpa celebrate another birthday. Every time they get together it's fun to see how much more they can play together. Owen and Billy had a great time riding in the Pink Jeep. Hopefully their driving skills improve by the time they start driving real vehicles.

Billy led the "Flying V" attack on the cake

Let's get out of here before Mya realizes we took her pink jeep.

"I've got a great idea! I'll turn the wheel and you tell me when to turn."

That was awesome!!

What do you mean this thing is only rated for 2 people?

September Enrichment Activities

In our quest for parenting excellence, we exposed Owen to new and exciting activities recently. Here are a few highlights:

Owen and Grandpa checked up on a tree they planted earlier in the year. Owen was disappointed it wouldn't be big enough to use as a Christmas tree this year. Maybe Grandpa should have used more Miracle Grow.

Owen visited ANIMART's Pet Fest this past weekend in Madison. Normally Owen is not a big dog fan. But when they are in cages it's okay apparently.

Really, I was just trying to pet the fish!

Owen had a lot of fun climbing on the excavating machines at the
Monster Machines In Motion event in Janesville. The event was held in a quarry and dozens of large trucks, diggers, tractors, and other large machines were available to sit in and check out.

We were especially proud of Owen for climbing into the giant excavator. While Mommy waited in line for nearly an hour, Daddy warmed Owen up to the idea of climbing into it by checking out the other machines. We also watched other little boys and girls climb in the excavator and sit on the operators lap. When it came time to walk the 50 yards to the excavator Owen was very uneasy. It took a lot of courage for him to climb into the cab and sit on a strangers lap. After a couple minutes of working the excavator came to a stop and Owen waited patiently to be led out of the cab. He was clearly the youngest participant and clearly out of his comfort zone. We are so proud of Owen for not taking the easy way out and for being very brave. The rest of the morning was all "digger this and digger that".

Fresh off of conquering the excavator, Owen jumped right on the "choo choo". Plus someone had to hold Daddy's hand.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Badger Tailgate

The best part about living so close to Madison is the easy access to Badger Football tailgates (and games we're told). We brought Owen to his first tailgate this weekend. The large crowd was a lot to take in but Owen did a great job. He insisted on carrying his toy hammer with him, eliciting several comments about "getting hammered". Creative bunch down there.