Sunday, January 31, 2010

29 Month Update

It has been a while since we've updated on Owen. Owen's life currently revolves around Thomas the Train, tools, and little brother. He likes his books and enjoys picking out new ones each week at the library. School is going well, our early morning "pep talks" seem to work well. We remind him to share and be nice to his friends ... not hitting, no kicking, no biffing, no headbutting, no stealing toys, etc.

In a few days Owen will be a big brother and no longer be an only child. We're still not sure how Owen will react to the change ... but he'll get over it.

Some of Owen's favorite saying are:
No thanks!
Not again!
Left, Right (he knows the difference ... 95% of the time)
I need a rest (normally followed by a 2 hour nap)
I want Thomas!
I'm biffing, I'm biffing, I'm biffing
I want chocolate milk
Knows his alphabet. This is slightly different than the actual alphabet. (abc, mnop, qrs, xyZ! ... not necessarily in that order)
Little brother is in my tummy.
Owen and daddy are boys. Momma is a girl.
I want dump trucks (gummy snacks)
The Jeep is broken.
The car is broken.
My shoes match the car!
I hit my friends!
Duck duck goose!
Hey? What's this?
Wait a minute!

He likes to sing the following songs:
Alice the camel
Itsy bitsy spider
Sticky bubble gum
Open shut them

His favorite toys are:
His train set
Uno Moo game
Play dough
Throwing the football

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Way to go Mommy!

Melissa was recently named a state finalist for the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Today she was formally recognized at the "Every Child a Graduate" annual conference in Madison.

Way to go!

With State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tony Evers

Posing with Presidential Award finalist groupie

Nick's attempt at artistic photography

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Arthur ...

... and Owen Fonzarelli.