Saturday, April 24, 2010

Career Day

Who knows what Owen will do when he gets older. But based on a few recent activities this is what we came up with.

Getting Along With Others

Owen and Cole have lots of opportunities to interact with each other and other people. Here are a few recent examples.

Cousins Mya and Owen decided to make a Billy Sandwich

Daddy was having a hard time teaching Cole to drink from a bottle until Owen came over and showed Cole how to do it.

Hanging out with his "best friend" mommy. Daddy and Cole are also referred to as "best friend".

Cole loves looking at his big brother. Owen likes Cole as long as he isn't interfering with his Mommy/Daddy time.

Play date with Cooper. Luckily they figured out how to get of the rotating floor.

Owen has already learned that you have to do whatever it takes to get off your back.

Hanging out at church

Attempting the difficult two-man hula-hoop. It didn't work.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cole 2 Month Update

A few pictures of the little guy at 2 months:

Cole loves to smile and giggle

Cole's favorite part of the day is when he gets to hang out with Daddy

Oh no! He's climbing in. This was supposed to be my safe zone!

Mommy and her boys.

Sometimes in the hubbub of chasing after Owen, Cole gets left off to the side. Luckily he's easily entertained ... so far.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Census 2010

Daddy saved the government oodles of money by saving the census form from Owen. Obviously he didn't understand the ramifications of having an enumerator come to our house. Hopefully they won't dock us a person for having a crumpled census form.

We count for one more now!