Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cole 27 Month Update

At 27 months Cole ...

Weighs in at 30 pounds
Can say well over 100 words (and hundreds others that we can't interpret yet)
Doesn't put up with Owen if he doesn't want to
Has gotten over his biting
Loves Elmo, tractors and trucks
Has a tendency to climb on the table if we're not moving fast enough
Is capable of climbing out of the crib, but hasn't realized it yet
Is still a great sleeper
Only sucks his thumb when his bunny is in hand
Seems to really enjoy day care
Is in his second swimming class without a parent
Is quiet adventurous when it comes to climbing
Is quick to show his dance moves when music is playing
Tells us when he's poopy
Is currently working on his molars
Can put his shoes on by himself
Is a little more picky with food than he used to be
Now enjoys slides and swings
Still takes a nap  in the afternoon for about 2 hours
Plays very well by himself but still wants to be were the action is
Loves standing by the window and watching the tractors work in the field

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Crazy Hair Day

Owen and Cole were able to enjoy a full week of special days at day care.  Rainbow day (wear a lot of colors), sports day (Packer jersey), mismatch day (plaid and stripes ???), pajama day (wear your PJ's to school) ... and of course crazy hair day.

Owen lives for PJ day.  It ranks very close to Christmas and his birthday.  At least once a week he asks when it will be PJ day again.  

Cole was able to pull off a great crazy hair day this year with his mop of hair.  It was short-lived however, since he had swimming lessons an hour after he arrived.  But Owen was able to sport the spiked hair all day long.

Crazy Hair Day?  Or just another day of school?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Tour

Owen and Cole made the annual Easter tour again this year.  They again collected way too much candy, luckily Nick will be there to make sure none of it goes to waste.

I don't think that's an Easter egg, Cole.

Cole is just excited not to be the little one anymore.

Big Cousin Owen doing a great job holding Henry.
What do you mean I can't eat it all right now?

Uncle Brandon provided a lot of egg hunting tips to Owen and Cole.
Most of the tips were distractions so he could eat their candy.

Another successful egg hunt for Owen, Cole and Cooper.

Easter Faces

In addition to some wonderful weather at Easter, we were also treated to some generally out of control kids.  Below are a few mug shots worth sharing.