Owen's first carnival ride was a success for about 60 seconds. Then Owen decided it wasn't for him and Daddy had to hold him for the last 2 minutes. As soon as we got off the ride, Owen started pointing at the 60 foot tall Farris wheel ... maybe next year.
Owen tried to calculate the carbon footprint of the tractor pull but he could only count to 4.
Nothing gets the fans going like two wheels in the air.
We're not sure who was more confused during the Goat Calling Contest, Owen or the Goats.
At least there was live Polka Music Playing.
Tom and Owen were excited to make their first lighthouse visit.
Owen thought it would be great to have Mommy push him down the aisle when he was delivering the ring. Fortunately we talked him out of it.
7:00 AM, morning after wedding. Guess who's in the pool already.
Is an appearance on "Dancing With The Stars" in Owen's future?
We will be moving to a small town outside of Madison in a few weeks. Our current home has been on the market for a few weeks and we actually have a few people interested. Hopefully we can complete a sale soon and move on with our lives. Melissa will be teaching at a different High School and Nick has accepted a new position as Director of Finance & Logistics at a company in his hometown.
We are very excited about the daycare Owen will be attending. It's very similar to his current school but unfortunately will not have his friend Brody or his great teachers. It's heartbreaking to see him leave what is clearly an enjoyable place for the little guy. Even though it's easy to distract him with Elmo or pictures of tractors, we know he misses his friends and his daily routine. It's also easy to forget that his home for the past two years will soon be home to someone else. Overall he seems to be handling it well and we're so proud of his resiliency. We're also thankful for Elmo.
Over the past month we have been very busy interviewing and finalizing our new jobs. We were very fortunate to find two positions (on the same day) in this very difficult job market. Not only will we be much closer to family, but the positions are very promising and exciting.
Once the employment fell into place the stress levels multiplied as we began preparing the house for sale. It's a little embarrassing to pack half of our belongings into a storage unit and not even miss them. Many family members arrived with dust pans in hand to help us clean, box and fix. We had great intentions to complete some of the repairs during the five years we lived here. Strange how they were never completed until it became time to sell the house.
It became clear that Owen was becoming a liability to the house selling process. While one parent cleaned and organized, a second parent was required to clean up after Owen. Luckily daycare had an opening for Owen during the first few weeks of summer. Not only did it allow us to prepare the house, but Owen relished the chance to see his friends and enjoy some structure in his day.
To add a little more excitement, we were all part of Uncle Bryan and (now) Aunt Gena's wedding. Owen was the ring bearer, Melissa was a bridesmaid and Nick was an Usher. You would think that would be the most stressful part of the wedding. Instead it was sleeping in a hotel with Owen for the first time without a crib. We were the only people who attended the wedding who had to train prior to arriving. For weeks we picked up Owen and carried him back to bed, hoping that maybe, maybe this time he would fall asleep and not chase after us. Not only was Owen big boy bed trained by the wedding, but he slept without side rails for two nights.
Owen's two year appointment is just weeks away. The doctor is going to be most impressed with the following.