Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hanging with the Cousins

Ok Ok.... so we were just going to limit this to monthly updates.... but it is just too much fun to post stuff about lil' Owie. Thanks to those that have checked out the blog! We are glad we are not the only ones that visit - though I think we visit the most! We are becoming addicted!

Here's an adorable pic from today at Mya's 4th Birthday Party. Can you believe that last year at this time 2 of the 3 cousins were swimming around in their mommy's belly??


jameskoltes said...

Sometimes I am computer challenged! I wanted to comment below, but couldn't figure out how to do it... =0 My, Owen is getting big. I think he has the biggest blue eyes I have ever seen on a little kid. Glad to see he's doing so well and it's nice to be able to see him from 5000 miles away!

Dr. Sandra said...

Nick and Mel- Glad you are posting so often. Otherwise, how would I procrastinate writing my dissertation?!

BigThirsty said...


My only guiding advice.

Sweetest day is fake. Stay strong.. don't celebrate it! ;-)

Mark Stafne