Sunday, August 10, 2008

1 YEAR Update

Owen has passed the 1 year mark and is now officially a toddler

Official Stats: 31.75 inch. long (95%), 22 lbs. 1 oz. (40%), head circumference 47 cm (69%). Owen is still a very LONG baby! He has 4 clearly visible teeth (2 top and 2 bottom), but his mouth is in constant turmoil as at least 4 more are starting to poke through. He is also walking. He takes about 6 step strides places.

Owen when he had just 3 visible teeth.


  • playing with life-sized toys like the Little Tikes House or Play gym

  • going to rummage sales every week with Mommy because it usually means he will get a new toy, book or clothes for less than a dollar. Daddy had to recently sit Mommy down and give her the "I know its a good deal, but our house is getting full..." speech.

  • his Step 2 Push Around Buggy he got for his birthday. Just the sight of it gets him excited. He now knows how to climb in (although sometimes he is backwards). He gets in, sits, and waits for someone to push him around. He screams when he is taken out, even after multiple laps around the house, outside the house and around the block.

  • raspberries. He saw a picture of raspberries in his Baby Words book, got excited, pointed at it and then tired to eat the picture.
  • to read books.

  • to take off and put on Mommy's and Daddy's sunglasses.

  • climbing. He has magically appeared crouched on top of an activity box and on a child-sized chair. Mommy and Daddy both realize it won't be long before Owen is swinging from the rafters.

  • mallets or any cylindrical object. He just likes to hold them.

  • whole milk. Bye-bye icky formula and hello cow's milk!

  • Mega blocks. He loves to put the single ones on and off of other mega blocks, often destroying Daddy's complex Mega block contraptions.


  • Diaper changes. Mommy and Daddy do not like them either.

  • Peas. Picks them out of his mouth and flicks them.

  • Finger Pricks at the doctor's office. Lets just say that it took 3 adults, 4 sets of kid bandages, 1 set of adult bandages, a spattering of blood on 2 adults and the floor and screams heard well into the waiting room to successfully test Owen's blood for iron. We got the results back, at least he passed.

Things that are starting to grow on Owen....

  • bike rides in his bike trailer. It is a 2 seater. He seems to get mad that he doesn't have a friend to ride with him.

  • sippy cups. He love the juice filled ones and is so-so about the milk filled ones.

  • silverware. He can occasionally stab and sweet potato chunk with his fork and eat it. After 10 min. or so he tries to overpower the suction cup on his bowl and everything goes over the side of his highchair.


SJ said...

Wow he's growing up fast! And he sure is very tall! Nick what's your interpretation of these new stats? Future NBA star? :)

Btw, I love how you have product reviews in your blog~ I'll keep them in mind for my little girl later~ did Owen like the exersaucer? I am sitting on the fence whether to get one or not...

nick&mel said...

The exersaucer? Don't you mean the 3rd parent? Owen loved it for at least 2 months. We recommend checking out the rummage sale circuit or Craigslist.

SJ said...

hmm... she has a Rainforest jumperoo already and just like everything else, she'll like it for 3 days and then won't spend over 5 min in it at a time. Swing, bouncer, activity mats, jumperoo... sounds like we need another space-taker? And seeing how much Owen loves the lion walker, push around buggy, life-size playsets... Nick we should aggressively go after Toys R Us... Now that's great year round business! :)

As for rummage sales, it's so hit or do you know where to go and what to expect? Criag's list, I'll check 'em out! :) Thanks!

nick&mel said...

The jumperoo would be very similar to the exersaucer. So maybe skip it. For Rummage sales I go online and scope them out and then select only a few close ones to go to. I usually search for "boy" "little tikes" "baby" etc. This is the website I use:
It will allow you to search for key words and map out a route to your selected rummage sales. Good luck!