Friday, October 17, 2008

Leaves ... everywhere

The annual agonizing leaf clearing has begun! Last year Owen just sat in his car seat and slept while Mommy and Daddy raked and raked and raked. This year he got in on the action. Although we didn't let him run the leaf blower, there was still plenty for him to do.

After surveying the field, Owen felt he was up to the challenge.

With speed and agility, Owen made quick work of the leaves. He did leave a few ... but since he's only 1 year old we let it slide.
As fatigue set in, Owen began to have issues with the equipment.

The lawn was no match for Owen.
Forget raking - lets just play in the leaf pile.

Who needs swim lessons when you have a leaf pile?

Is anyone getting any work done around here??

As Owen struggled to free his car from the leaf pile, we realized that this image will probably repeat itself once Owen has a real car in 16 years. Make sure the AAA membership is up to date.

Why wouldn't you put the basket on your head?

Future site of Owen's swing set.

We didn't even get to this side of the house ...

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