Wednesday, February 11, 2009

18 Month Update

Owen is already 18 months old!

At 18 months Owen:

No longer uses the high chair. After battling Owen for days, we learned that Daycare has him sit at a table and eat. So now at home he sits on his Fischer Price booster chair and everyone is happy.

Is working on his upper molars. We can't image how much it hurts the little guy. By the looks of his gums he's working on adult sized teeth already. I'm not sure who likes the Infant Tylenol better, Owen or us.

Knows several letters like: A, B, C, W and O. No one taught him, he just watches his friend Brody at school. No one knows how Brody knows either. Obviously these two are destined for greatness.

Tries to sing the alphabet song with us.

Likes to hold the cellphone and pretend he is talking on it. He also enjoys pressing buttons, this could be a problem.

He incorrectly calls the color red, "Elmo". This is cute, but could be a problem later.

Can point to his nose, ears, eyes, elbows, knees, hands, feet and belly. For some reason he insists on pulling up his shirt and showing us his belly, can't just point to it.

No longer lets us change his diaper on the changing table. We have to change him on the floor now. Luckily, he still lets us use the changing tables at restaurants and stores.

Has developed a swift trot to accompany his running. Walking is still not a speed he chooses to use however.

Loves using tools.

Loves going outside. Frostbite and hypothermia do not scare Owen. Snow is too much fun.

Can't get enough of the basement. Whether it is reminiscing about the baby swing or double checking that the water softener is running, Owen can't get enough of the basement.

No longer takes a morning and afternoon nap (BOOOO!!!!). He now takes one nap right after lunch for 1-2 hours.

Will always eat oatmeal. Yogurt is almost always. Everything else is hit and miss.

Tries to drink out of anything that is a cylinder.

Eats dried cherries like crazy.

Enjoys watching Baby Einstein videos for a few minutes. Then it's on to something else.

Goes swimming with Daddy every Wednesday. It's amazing to watch Owen change from week to week. During the first week, he had to be held as close as possible and wouldn't think of letting go of his toy. By week five he was laughing and giggling as Daddy skimmed him through the water. He even freely goes to the instructor and lets her walk around with him. The 2028 Olympics are right around the corner.

When Owen learned that the WWE was accepting tryouts he instantly began working on his Hacksaw Owen Duggan character.

Owen has figured out how to weigh himself. He can turn on the scale and step on by himself. Gone are the days of ((Daddy + Owen) - Daddy) = Owen

What do you mean all that's left of my college savings is that green plastic coin? I though President Obama was going to make everything better.

Reach for the "C"!

Owen has become a very proficient stacker. Whether it's blocks or Duplos Owen has been known to reach double digits at school and at home.


SJ said...

haha...another GREAT update!! LOVE it!

SJ said...

Ok so I promised I'd post our funny chat transcript here...

SJ [3:56 PM]:
hey you're doing a great job with your blog! What does Owen say now?
Nick [4:05 PM]:
Owen says a lot of things, we're not sure what he's really talking about most of time
I think he's getting frustrated that we can't understand him
SJ [4:05 PM]:
does he repeat?
Nick [4:06 PM]:
mom, mom, mom, mom, mom,mom,mom, mom, mom, mom, mom,mom,mom, mom, mom, mom, mom,mom,mom, mom, mom, mom, mom,mom,mom, mom, mom, mom, mom,mom,mom, mom, mom, mom, mom,mom
SJ [4:06 PM]:
LOL!!! you know what i mean... if you say "say hello" does he say hello too...
Nick [4:09 PM]:
he's not really into Hello. he has mom, momma, daddy, dadu (his cousin also says this), help, no,more, yes
mostly no. always saying no
SJ [4:11 PM]:
how about "all done" usually kiddies say that, i've noticed
Nick [4:11 PM]:
more of a "hep"
SJ [4:11 PM]:
you mean like... when he's stuck or something?
Nick [4:12 PM]:
Owen's more of the shove his plate to the floor and toss his sippy when he's done
SJ [4:12 PM]:
Nick [4:12 PM]:
normally he asks for help when he's trying to lift something or reach for something that he's not supposed to get
SJ [4:13 PM]:
hahahaha.... how cute!!
you know, i'm going to paste this chat into a comment on your blog at some point. this is WAY too hilarous. gotta have that recorded.

PS: the pictures do look great!! Nice investment in the camera!