Thursday, April 9, 2009

Letter of the Day "K"

I love the letter K so much that I am making it with my body!

Owen and Mommy went for a walk tonight after school to see the track meet and the baseball game. Owen did really well considering he walked the whole four blocks or so there. He is anti-stroller at the moment. We got to practice words like "duck" when we saw the duck fly into the stream, "water" when he heard the steam, and "ball" when he saw the guys throw the baseball around. He didn't want to walk home as he was fixated with the baseball players... so Mommy distracted him by letting him touch the rough bark on the trees. He knows the word for rough but tonight he learned the word for "bark." Mommy might of created a monster as we touched the bark of almost all the trees on the way home and said bark. I think K is his new letter because "Key" and "kitten" are some of his new words this week. Gobble Gobble is his new animal noise - it is a mouthful for him!

Owen can do the oddest things... we were reading a book tonight in which a character is doing the isty bitsy spider off to the side. Owen started to do it - of course all of the words weren't there but he had the right number of syllables and the right motions.
We also think Owen can "read" his name. Probably because we need to label everything for daycare. There are 5 identical chairs at daycare and the only difference is the name tag on the back. Everyday he is able to pull out and sit on the chair with his name on it no matter where it is in the stack of chairs. Same thing with daycare's plates. They are all identical except his has a very small O on it for Owen. He knows which one is his and will say O O O when someone else takes his plate. He knows more than we think! Very observant little bugger!

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