Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Big Event

This was Owen's first official Halloween. During previous years, Owen was an Innocent by-stander throughout the festivities. This year, he was right in the middle of the action. This is how the day went for the little guy.

Owen and Cooper were busy with Pre-Halloween preparations the night before. Everything had to be perfect ... that included ironing the clothes and vacuuming the carpet.
All that preparation was exhausting. Better take a quick cat-nap before the big event.
Owen and cousins Billy and Mya posed for a quick pre-trick or treat photo.

Since this was Owen's first experience with trick or treat, Mya took him under her wings and made sure Owen knew what he was up against.

Hurry up! Or they'll run out of candy and start handing out healthy stuff.

After being under Mya's tutelage for several houses, Owen was ready to go it alone.

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