Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cole 8 month update

At 8 months Cole:

Can sit unassisted
Rolls and rolls and rolls

Is eating solid foods including meat and other yummy stuff.
Loves to watch big brother, even when he isn't getting in trouble
Will smile at anyone
Still has spiky hair
Requires no rocking at night, in fact rocking him makes him more awake
Loves daycare
Falls asleep easily in the car
Is a long baby (over 90% for height) but continues to be just a little bit shorter than Owen at his age.
Is the only one wearing Christmas outfits in the middle of September (thanks for wearing hand-me-downs Cole!)
Enjoys chewing on Owens puzzle pieces.
Enjoys chewing on just about anything else.
Loves getting a hug from Owen each morning during daycare drop-off.
Is generally on his own since Owen takes up so much time - thanks for being an easy baby Cole.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Cole is so handsome!!