Tuesday, August 23, 2011

End of Summer Fun

Summer is coming to a close. Although the boys didn't get to spend too much time at home this summer they still managed to get their share of fun in.

It isn't summer without rock picking with Grandpa.

Owen got some practice in for his upcoming Wipe-Out audition. He likes his chances!

Since the NASCAR sponsorship fell through Owen and Mommy had to settle the carnival ride race.

You want me to feed what to what?

Time for the big race! Obviously Daddy gave Owen a head start. Physics worked in Daddy's favor at the end as they reached a tie.

First day of schoo! Owen and Cole chose a more casual look - obviously they don't feel the need to impress anyone.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cole 18 Month Update

At 18 months Cole:

  • Has dozens of words - some of them we can understand

  • Knows a few sign language signs

  • Loves going to daycare

  • Eats and eats and eats

  • Doesn't cry much - even when teeth are coming out

  • Loves to rough house and wrestle big brother

  • Not a big fan of slides, swings or anything that doesn't let him have two feet on the ground.

  • Loves tractors and trucks - he plays with them all the time and points out every one when we drive to school

  • Loves playing with trains

  • Adores his big brother, but has started to hit back when necessary. Scuffles have started.

  • Is a bit of a biter, even drew blood once (luckily it was Owen and not someone else's kid)

  • Has to be part of the action - he gets very upset when Daddy and Owen are outside and he isn't.

  • Is more interested in TV than Owen was at this age.

  • Is very easy to put to bed. So much easier than Owen.

  • Has been given the nickname "Mr. Giggles" by Owen.

  • Is generally a very happy kid