Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cole 18 Month Update

At 18 months Cole:

  • Has dozens of words - some of them we can understand

  • Knows a few sign language signs

  • Loves going to daycare

  • Eats and eats and eats

  • Doesn't cry much - even when teeth are coming out

  • Loves to rough house and wrestle big brother

  • Not a big fan of slides, swings or anything that doesn't let him have two feet on the ground.

  • Loves tractors and trucks - he plays with them all the time and points out every one when we drive to school

  • Loves playing with trains

  • Adores his big brother, but has started to hit back when necessary. Scuffles have started.

  • Is a bit of a biter, even drew blood once (luckily it was Owen and not someone else's kid)

  • Has to be part of the action - he gets very upset when Daddy and Owen are outside and he isn't.

  • Is more interested in TV than Owen was at this age.

  • Is very easy to put to bed. So much easier than Owen.

  • Has been given the nickname "Mr. Giggles" by Owen.

  • Is generally a very happy kid

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