Tuesday, May 13, 2008

9 month update

OK, so the update is late again.... I think we are getting more timely - only 13 days behind on this one. In a couple more months we will be on time! We will post pics later.

So here is what made the last month with Owen special:

Official Stats as of Friday: 29.25" long (78%), 19 lbs. 7oz (29%), head circum. 45.75" (63%)
Daddy's Interpretation of Stats:

Mommy's Interpretation of Stats:

Owen is.....

hitting his head on everything. With his new-found mobility comes many boo-boos. He just recovered from two marks on his head. No cool scars though. We are trying to squeeze in a mark free 9 month picture on Thurs. Cross your fingers!

insisting on waking up at 12:30am for a midnight snack. That has got to stop... We like being spoiled parents.

crawling around in his crib, wrestling his bear (Owen's crib buddy) and flipping over to sleep on his stomach.

feeding himself finger foods... some of it gets in his mouth - the rest forms a nice pile on his seat for the hoover vac to take care of (best purchase ever!) (along with the inflatable tub)

can shape sort squares and circles. He just graduated to the stars. However the triangle has yet to be conquered. Owen is still convinced that squares and triangles are the same thing.

waving bye-bye. Sometimes it is with his hand, other times it is with his whole arm, and still other times his arm starts to move, he tries to stop it and then smiles and gets all shy because he doesn't want to wave but yet is. No official clapping yet - just fist bumps. Maybe Owen is going to be a gangsta.

screeching. While many people think Owen is a mild and quiet baby, he has recently found a new octave and decibel level. He screeches loudly when mad. That also has got to stop...

Despite the jokes, life with Owen is just great. Every night we are glad that he is such a good sleeper and such a happy baby. We watch Owen sleep in the monitor and he is just soooo cute. All I want to do is wake him up and hold him and kiss him. That's when Nick says "Are you crazy? Lets get some sleep!" We also can't get over the fact that Owen is now moving and making decisions for himself. It was just a few months ago Owen had to do whatever his parents wanted to do. (Nick looks back fondly at this time) While is it frustrating now that Owen voices his dislikes of peas and car seats, it also warms our hearts even more when Owen puts down a toy to crawl over to one of us for a hug..... (Side note: Owen usually pushes us away a few moments later - but we take what we can get)

1 comment:

Christine said...

Ha! I cracked up at the Conan O'Brian photo. Great blog!!