Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Owen - World Traveler

Owen took his first trip to another state this weekend! Okay so it was only Minnesota (emphasis on only).

Mommy and Daddy woke up at 4AM to get ready and pack the car. By 5AM Owen was up and eating. At 5:30 we hit the road. Of course it took us until 6:00 to leave Pulaski, what with the stop at McDonald's and the bakery for donuts ...

Just as planned, Owen slept until Thorp, where we stopped to feed him and ourselves. It took a lot for Daddy not to visit the local restaurant called the Thorpedo across the street.

After another 30 minutes Owen gave us a nice surprise - he fell asleep and didn't wake up until Minneapolis. He slept almost as long as Mommy did.

Owen and Daddy were able to stay in the church until just before the wedding started. Owen was tired, cranky and hungry. He refused to eat, he refused to be held, he refused to not be held, etc. After an hour and a half of wondering the halls and playing in the nursery we were finally able to return to the church - where everyone was leaving. According to Mommy it was a nice ceremony.

Owen was so proud of his Daddy for saving the day on the way to the reception. When Grandma and Grandpa's Garmin failed to find the hotel it was Daddy who pointed out the correct direction. Once again trip planning pays off.

We left for home right after the meal. It was a long 5 hours, especially considering Daddy did not get any cake. Owen slept the entire trip home! What a good little sleeper.

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