Sunday, August 31, 2008

Shawano County Fair

We took Owen to the Shawano County Fair on Saturday. This is the second year that Owen has attended. We visited the barns, the machinery, the food stand, the beer stand (not really, but it was open at 8:30 AM), and the show ring. Owen was very interested in all of the animals and was intent on looking at each one. Owen may very well have forgotten the entire experience on the way home, but Mommy and Daddy enjoyed seeing him take in the sights and experience new things. Plus the trip was free since we came so early.

Owen couldn't understand why the pigs were not pink - like the ones in his books.

Owen wasn't sure what to think of the sheep. He proceeded with caution.

The goats were fairly content with ignoring Owen's screams and giggles.

Owen didn't have a problem petting the rabbits ... especially since he couldn't read the sign that stated "Don't pet the rabbits".

It looks like we'll have to attach a large block of wood to Owen's feet for him to reach the clutch.

We're always looking out for Owen's safety. That's why we only let him drive John Deere Gators with safety roll bars.

After completing his inspection of the manure spreader tires Owen was very concerned that the lug nuts were not tightened to the 100 foot-pounds the manufacturer recommended. It was too bad Owen left his Little Tike's torque wrench at home or he could have fixed it right there.

Owen was a little disappointed when he realized Barack Obama would not be showing up at the grand stands. Maybe John McCain will.

1 comment:

SJ said...

Loved all the wonderful pictures and funny captions! :)