Friday, January 2, 2009

17 Month Update

17 months old already! Owen is growing up so fast we can't keep up. We should really talk to him about that.

At 17 months Owen;

LOVES playing with buckles. He can spend an hour playing with the buckles on his Fisher Price Healthy Care Booster Seat . He has yet to figure out how to unbuckle, however.

Eats whole apples

Can climb onto his horse by himself

Loves drinking juice from Mommy's new Jack LaLanne’s Classic Power Juicer.

Gets excited when he hears a truck or tractor outside.

Realizes the house has a basement. He wants to go and explore all the time.

Is developing habits. If he sees a drawer open that is normally closed, he'll go over and close it.

Loves going to the hardware store with Daddy.

Can follow directions. If we ask him to go into the other room, pick up a book and bring him back to us. He can also retrieve puzzle pieces and bring them to us.

Loves to play with water. We often fill the bathroom sink and let him push toys around in the water. He uses a little Snoopy step stool and can just barely see over the edge. It's really cute until we realize he's full of water. We decided to be creative and let him play with a larger tub of water on the kitchen floor. The towels we laid out were no match for Owen when he picked up the 5 gallon tub and dumped all the water out.

Still hits occasionally, but now he immediately stops and gives us a kiss on the cheak after doing it. Sometimes he kisses us even if it was a light punch that we didn't even feel.

Enjoys dancing and knows when to 'fall down' during "Ring Around The Rosey"

Pulls and pushes us in the direction he wants us to go.

Still doesn't understand cuddle time.

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