Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hard At Work

Owen has been hard at work over the past few weeks. Here are some highlights:

Owen is quickly becoming a great asset around the house. Here he is, 'Johnny on the spot' with the materials Daddy needs for the job.

Just like a prisoner forced to build their own prison cells, Owen helped Daddy reinforce the cabinet door locks. If Owen figures this out he may not help out any more.

It takes a little elbow grease to tighten the screws.

Things that don't mix well: sharp screwdriver, power tool, inflatable tub and an infant. Where are the parents anyway?

Owen plays with PlayDoh almost everyday. Here he is showing Mommy how to make a random shaped blob.

For weeks Owen admired all of the pretty ornaments on the Christmas tree. He especially enjoyed looking at the 1999 Rose Bowl ornament. He just can't understand why Uncle Brandon would think it was his.

Sometimes Mommy and Daddy just don't get it. Owen has to carefully and slowly explain things to them. He has found it useful to use hand gestures to get his point across.

Owen has an important job to do when ever a cake is made. Unfortunately nothing is left for Daddy by the time Owen and Mommy are done.

I'm saving that bit on my nose for later.

This would be a lot easier to eat if it were on a spoon ...

When the family came over for Christmas, Uncle Bryan insisted on having a picture taken in front of the Bruce Springsteen poster. He reluctantly allowed Owen and "Soon-to-be" Aunt Gena to tag along.

Owen loves to eat apples whole. A large one can take him 15 minutes to finish. Eventually he'll figure out when to stop eating and toss the core in the trash.

Still enthralled by the clips. Owen can spend an eternity playing with his booster seat.

This Tonka truck can easily handle the 26.2 pound load of Owen.

Swim lessons have now started. Every Wednesday Daddy and Owen jump in the pool and bravely wander around the water singing songs and trying not to get cold.

What do you mean there isn't any chocolate on this thing.

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