Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Mommy was looking forward to a wonderful relaxing Mother's Day. Here is a re-cap of the day...

  • Owen woke everyone up early
  • Owen bit Mommy, enough to leave a bruise on her arm, and laughed

  • Owen head-butted Mommy in the nose and laughed

  • The pancakes Daddy made from scratch for Mommy were missing a key ingredient so Mommy had to settle on twice baked Eggo waffles.

  • The orange juice Daddy made for Mommy was spilt all over the kitchen floor and rug by Owen.

  • Owen took Mommy to the zoo and it rained. It stopped raining when we left.

But on a positive note, Mommy got to sleep an extra 45 min. in the morning. She saw Brandon and Jamine at the zoo and got a nice nap in the afternoon.

Owen insisted this was the only way he could see the animals - from Uncle Brandon's shoulders.

Uncle Brandon and Owen trying out for the "Happy Feet" movie sequel. Owen felt that Uncle Brandon needed to brush up on his tap dancing skills.

Mommy was glad this little black goat did not give Owen any time to contemplate whether he should try to eat the cereal-like goat food.

Let me at those turkeys - I have been working on my "gobble"!

I don't know if I like giraffes... His head is as big as me and he looks like he ate too many blueberries with his black tongue.

Aunt Jamine - Where did the animals go?

The classic NEW Zoo shot - this time with Mommy May 2009.

The classic NEW Zoo shot - with Daddy in June 2008.

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