Monday, May 25, 2009

Point for Owen

Memorial Day weekend got off to a tough start this year. Instead of going into work on Saturday morning to catch up, Daddy decided to stay home and watch Elmo's World with Owen. Owen was so excited that he accidentally poked Daddy in the eye. After three hours of "waiting it out" the pain didn't go away. Since Urgent Care doesn't handle eye cases on the weekend it was off to the Emergency Room. Mommy and Owen were nice enough to drop Daddy off on their way to shop at TJ Maxx. While at the ER, Daddy was told he has "disgustingly good eye sight" when he passed the eye exam with flying colors ... with his good eye. The doctor was impressed with the scrape Owen gave Daddy - "looks like he really got you" was the medical terminology used. After putting all kinds of drops in Daddy's eye and dilating it, he was sent off with drops and eye creams to use for the next ten days. Luckily Mommy and Owen were finished shopping just in time to pick Daddy up. Daddy made sure to wear his ER identification bracelet all day to get sympathy around the house.

Daddy was placed on injured reserve for an entire day.

In order to reduce the number of eye injuries in the household we tried to make Owen wear socks on his hands ...

... we don't want Daddy looking like this when he's older.

On a side note --- Owen has started talking in sentences.
The most common phrases are:
"I need Daddy/Mommy/Blue Bear/Elmo/"
"I'll get Daddy".

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