Monday, May 31, 2010

Cole 4 month update

Little brother Cole is fast approaching the 4 month mark. Despite sharing a house with big brother Owen, Cole has made it all the way to this milestone.

At four months Cole:
  • Love to laugh and giggle. Especially when he is tickled or when Owen is getting in trouble.
  • Can roll over in either direction
  • Sleeps through the night (7 to 7)
  • Is the big talker at day care.
  • Is really good at passing gas (also makes him laugh)
  • Is starting to wear 9 month clothes
  • Can hold up his head when sitting.
  • Can lift and hold his head during tummy time.
  • Has developed a need to suck his thumb, or any finger that gets near his mouth.
  • Loves watching big brother play and talk and whine.

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