Monday, May 31, 2010

Owen 34 month update

We haven't had an Owen update in quite a while. Here is what the little (big) guy is up to.

At 34 months Owen:

  • Makes little brother Cole look like the easiest child to care for ever.
  • Is beginning to realize that "God made it that way" is a cop out answer used to end his ...why? why? why? questioning marathons.
  • Is now following the 3 sleep time rules, "Lay in bed, Close your eyes and no whining". However, he only follows them because a special treat will arrive the next day.
  • Loves Thomas the Train
  • Must consider 17 his favorite number since he normally skips to 17 and then repeats it several times very excitedly.
  • Refuses to wear blue jeans and insists on wearing khakis with elastic waistbands.
  • Just pushed out 2 molars
  • Is still getting over his dirt pile being removed from the front lawn.
  • Loves going to the zoo.
  • Loves to be outside doing anything. Especially playing with water, dirt or sand.
  • Takes a 2 hour nap at school.
  • Was the first one selected to sleep in the "sleep tent" at school because he takes such good naps there.
  • Knows how to drag bed time out for up to 2 hours by using the, ghosts, monsters, thirsty, need blanket, need daddy's blanket, not old enough to close my eyes, need a Kleenex, need the whole box of Kleenex, light turned up, not that much!, not that low!, I need Mommy, I want daddy, I need three glasses of water, I need my sleepy time friends and my bed is too bumpy excuses.

Mommy's boys are enjoying a real page turner.

Water and sand may not mix ... but Owen, Water and sand certainly do.

Thanks for the granola bar Mommy!

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