Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Catching up - Baptism Part 2

Here are some more pictures from Cole's baptism:

As exciting as the day was, Cole slept through the whole thing...

Godparents Michelle and Brandon posing with Cole and the family.

Owen is playing "peek a boo" with a cousin off to the side.

One of the most stressful moments of the baptism...

Can Brandon pin Cole's sheep on the banner without poking himself, in a reasonable amount of time, and while the entire congregation watches and waits? Pressure is on...

Owen fell out of a wagon that the neighbor girl was pulling the day before the baptism - hence the red mark on the cheek. For the next month every "owie" and "boo boo" were because of that wagon tipping

Billy and Owen's favorite part of the baptism - the afterparty!

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