Monday, May 4, 2009

21 Month Update

At 21 months Owen:
  • Climbs everything. He especially loves to climb the ladder when Daddy is working outside. He even tries to bring the ladder out of the garage (only minor scratch when it fell on the Jeep)
  • Loves being outside more than anything else
  • Can crawl around the car or Jeep for hours if we left him. It's no longer a surprise when the wipers suddenly start when we turn the key.
  • Loves to eat cookies - thanks Grandma
  • Will eat anything with ketchup. Or just ketchup.
  • Knows how to weigh himself (27.6 pounds last night)
  • Now has two security items (Blue bear and a blanket)
  • Can push himself on the slide.
  • Still takes an afternoon nap.
  • Has his own rake for outside.
  • Loves Elmo and said Mr. Nuno a few days ago.
  • Makes us read 5-7 books before he goes to sleep.
  • Enjoys playing with the train set at school.
  • No longer hits or kicks after a crash course in the "Hands are not for hitting" book course.
  • Is already learning to not like Mondays.
  • Can spend hours looking out the window and watching the birds, rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks.
  • He seems to enjoy them so much that Daddy decided to buy a bird feeder. Now we have lots of squirrels and a few more birds.
  • Has made several calls by himself on the cell phone, luckily only to Mommy or Daddy. If anyone gets a call and only hears "Hello" and "Goodbye" it's probably Owen.
  • Helps Daddy every Sunday to water the plants. Owen points out which plant gets watered next and claps each time. He must have read somewhere than clapping encourages the plants to grow.


Anonymous said...

your blog is good.
I like you!

Anonymous said...

your blog is good.
I like you!